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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Mixed Feelings... (Impassion by B.C Burgess)

This book disappointed me, mostly because the first was was so good and then this one was.... not. I don't know what to say about the book itself, but Layla disappointed me in ways I didn't expected :( 

I really had a hard time with this one.... It wasn't that it wasn't good, I swear it was! The problem was Layla. I don't know what my problem was with her. Maybe the fact that she was so winy, or that she cries the whole freaking time, but I had a problem with her. Every time I tried to read the damn book, she was crying! Crying, crying, crying! The whole time! I was like this the whole time....

And- Ok, it's fine to be a crier, but the way she made everything such a big deal pissed me off! I don't know, I guess she just was really emotional. But my real problem with her was that she blushed all the freaking time, and was embarrassed about everything. I don't know, i guess her brain was always like...

I specially loved Quinn. He never disappoints. Even with his history, he was always such a gentleman! I loved his personality and the way he makes Layla feel so special. Their relationship reminds me of many books, where the insecure girl doesn't know just how much her BF loves her. I have a suspicion with one of the characters though.  I love Skylla and Brietta and how much they love Layla! I love her grandparents, all of them. They play such a grand role in her life. 

I kind of feel that Layla grew up as the book passed. She grew up and matured throughout the whole book. She passed from these girl who didn't knew what she wanted, a girl who was scared of even her own shadow, a girl who didn't realized all the people she had, to a strong person, who finally realized the kind of danger she was in. The girl underestimated Agro, that is not smart. Facing death in the face made her realize that Agro was not playing o r bluffing and that she was in actually death danger. That, and her family helped her grow up. 
I think that development in Layla's character was what made me continue the book. 

I like the change in point of view to the Villain, so we can see how much time they have, and what they are planning. At first I thought that mysterious creepy guy was Finley, but then when the book ended, I finally realized who he was! And it was not good, that I can tell you. Finley I bet is the guy who is giving the information on Layla to Agro. That bull story about how they are made for each other is a complete lie.

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I have mixed feelings about this book. But I know I'm reading the next one

I love books and I hope you do too!

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