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Monday, May 26, 2014

Mile High by RK Lilley

I am so sorry about this guys! 
I know, at this point your probably gonna say its all lies, but i thought i was less behind on the blogging! Ok, so last time we talk we talked about how great James Cavendish was and how charismatic he is (BIG WORD ALERT) We all agreed he was the perfect RDB (Rich Domihe=nant Boyfriend) and how christian grey sucked (ok, no. JK) But god is he perfect! 

In Mile High we see James and Bianca's break up in extension and how they suffered and blah blah blah. I seriously spend the whole time either sobbing or laughing. I felt so bad for James and Damien pissed me off so badly. I mean, IF YOU SEE A PERSON HAVING A GIRLFRIEND OR IS GETTING OVER A RELATIONSHIP, DON'T KISS HER!

Yeah, okay. I feel like bianca, at the end of "In Flight", she was way overdramatic over what happened. She shouldnt had broken up with him! Not that way! UGH
(to see more, click here) 

This. Book. Broke. Me. 

I was so sad about James being ignored. And when he was like "its been a month" and she was like "I need more time"? WTF bitch, you said a month! The month is up! Just because you cant get your emotions in check doesn't mean you need to break his heart! 
I liked this one, but i thought, in some parts, they were a little..... too much. 

Anyway, Can we talk about how submissive Bianca is? The most submisive character I've read. She literally does everything  James tells her. Its amazing, and a little scary. The things he does to her are so out of the ordinary, that I was just really surprised that she let him do it. Then again, there is her childhood....

Can we talk about the aweful childhood she had? She had an incredible history and family tradegy that had me gasping the whole time! Her dad was a giant jerk, asshole, bitch! I hated him the whole time, and I just wanted to punch him! And when he comes back

As always, Stefan was a sweetheart, but I just felt so bad for his love life. With his ex back, he was always hesitating and he was making suffer and stuff. But I always loved stefan. Hands down my second favorite character.

But I must say, the sex was burning hot. It got to me all the time. It was amazing and then when James was all cute and cuddlely it was just the cutest thing ever. James is seriously the sweetest book character ever!

“You must know by now that I’ve never done any of this for anyone else. I was a slut once with my body, but I’ve never been a slut with my heart.”

“You’re my angel, Bianca. You’ve exorcized my demons. I don’t have nightmares when I’m with you. I don’t have to work seventy hour work weeks to keep my mind distracted. My life has been more than work and emotionless affairs. You make me a better man.”

I willl post the next book some time soon!
I love books and I hope you do too!

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