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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Missed Blogs

I'm sorry I haven't posted anything, but tomorrow is Saturday, so I'm sure tomorrow I will catch up. This week I finished "Days of Blood and Starlight" and "Losing Hope" and they are both the second books to series. I will post the reviews tomorrow like I said, but if I don't, Sunday definetly. I'm SOOO sorry! Here are the covers if you want to check them out
This one Is the 1st book in the hopeless series. It's really good if you like dramatic, intenseful romance. 

This is the one I finished today. It's told from Dean's POV. If you read Beautiful disaster series, you maybe know what I'm talking about.

This is the first book of the "Daughter of Smoke and Bone" series. You can check my review over this book here if you want to check it out and discuss, or just read it for the hell of it! Read it! It's really good!!

Finally, this is the second book in the series of "Daughter of Smoke and bone" Took me a little more time, I wasn't that into the book. Like, the first part is confusing as hell, but once you get used to all the info your getting and kind of knowing what's going on, you go through it preety quickly. Unfortunately, they stop giving you info at half of the book, so yeah. But it's worth your time, has good paranormal and it makes you THINK. It makes you stop, and question everything you THOUGHT you knew, when you actually didn't knew anything. What I didn't liked, or maybe frustrated is a better word, is Karou stubborn attitude!!!

So, I finally stoped rambaling. I will post the reviews this weekend and then on Monday I will post the "Hottie of the week" but I'm leaning towards Holder from "Hopeless" 

I love books and I hope you do to! 

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